
Getting Started withCareerHub

How to Add One Client
Clients can either be uploaded one at a time or in groups using Excel or CSV spreadsheets.
  1. On the Client tab, click the “Add Client” green button on the right.
  2. Enter first name, last name, cell number, home number and email for clients. Clients must have one means of contacting them (cell or email) or they will not be uploaded.
  3. Click “Save”

If you encounter problems, you can click the “Undo last upload” button and start over.

Watch the video on how to add individuals to the CareerHub database.

Deleting Clients
  1. On the Client tab, click the boxes next to the individual client’s names you wish to delete.
  2. Click “Delete Selected” in the right hand corner.
  3. Confirm “Delete Selected Client” by clicking “Continue.”
How to Upload Groups of Clients
Clients can either be uploaded one at a time or in groups using Excel or CSV spreadsheets.
  1. On the Client tab, Click “Import Clients” button
  2. Clients can be uploaded in batches using Excel or CSV spreadsheets – please refer to the “Excel Template” which can be downloaded and either mimicked or used to input your client information
  3. Enter client names and contact information onto the CareerHub Excel Template and save to your desktop.
  4. Click “Choose File” and select the Excel or CSV file to be uploaded from your hard drive
  5. Give the group a name if you want
  6. Click “Import”

To prevent errors please review your file PRIOR TO UPLOAD for:

  • First and last name must be in different columns
  • Make sure the column names are accurate (match the Excel Template headers)
  • Check that the order of the columns match the Excel Template
  • Every client must have at least one way to contact them (cell or email)

If you encounter problems, you can click the “Undo Last Upload” button and start over

Check out this video to see how it’s done

How to Create a Group Manually
  1. You can create a group by uploading a CSV or Excel template and naming the group when you upload (see “Adding Groups of Clients”)
  2. You can also create groups and add people to groups manually.
  3. Go into the “Groups” tab from the dashboard.
  4. Click “Create Group.”
  5. Enter a name for the group and click “Save.”
  6. On the right-hand side, you will see “Available Clients.”
  7. Click the green arrow next to the client’s name that you would like to add to your group.
  8. Remove the person by clicking the orange button in the left-hand column.
  9. You can also remove all members of a group or delete a group from this page.

Watch thevideo on how to create a group in CareerHub

Editing Groups
  1. To edit members of a group, go to the “Groups” tab from the dashboard.
  2. Click “Select Existing Group” and select the group you want to edit.
  3. On the right-hand side, you will see “Available Clients.”
  4. Click the green arrow next to the client’s name that you would like to add to your group.
  5. Remove the person by clicking the orange button in the left-hand column.
  6. You can also remove all members of a group or delete a group from this page.
Sending your First Message to Clients

Please make sure your first message introduces you to message recipients and tells them why you are sending them a message. Include your name, your organization, that you will be communicating with them in the future using this number or email, and tell them to save the number in their contacts.

Watch the video to see how to create a welcome template message.

Sending a Message to an Individual
  1. Go to “Clients” from the dashboard and select the name of the individual you’d like to message.
  2. In the individual client’s page click the green button “Message Client” in the upper right hand side of the page.
  3. You can compose text in each of the three tabs or cut and paste the text from one tab into another: “Compose Text,” “Compose Email” and “Compose Voice.”
  4. CareerHub can send and receive messages in all languages including logographic languages and languages with accents.
  5. You can also click “Schedule Delivery” if you would like to send the message at a later date or time.
  6. When your message(s) are complete, click “Send Message.”
Sending A Group Message
  1. Click orange “Create Message” button on the top right of all pages
  2. Then in the “Filter by Group” drop-down menu, select your group for the message
  3. Click the ‘Select all” green button to select everyone in your group to receive the message
  4. Compose your message.
  5. You can compose text in each of the three tabs or cut and paste the text from one tab into another: “Compose Text,” “Compose Email” and “Compose Voice.”
  6. CareerHub can send and receive messages in all languages including logographic languages and languages with accents.
  7. You can also click “Schedule Delivery” if you would like to send the message at a later date or time.
  8. Then click “Step 3: Send Message”
Prescheduled Messages
  1. To send a message to be sent at a later date or time, create an individual or group message as normal.
  2. Click “Schedule Delivery” and select the date and time you would like your future message to be delivered.
  3. To view all future prescheduled messages, from the Dashboard enter the “Outgoing Messages” tab.
  4. At the bottom of the “Outgoing Messages” page there is a section called “Prescheduled Messages”
  5. Here you can see all messages scheduled to be sent, edit those messages or delete them.
Creating an Automated Employment Verification Process
  1. Automated sequences are a way for you to chain together a series of messages such that you can give a customized response when your clients respond “Yes” | “No” to the original message.
  2. This can be used to ask yes or no questions like, Are you currently working? Will you be attending our next course?
  3. Go into “Outgoing Messages” from your dashboard.
  4. Click the green box in the upper right hand corner called “Message Templates.”
  5. Here you can edit and customize the Automated Employment Verification Process. Caution–you must include YES and NO in your messages as written. Other content can be modified.
    1. Message One=Question that requires a YES or No response
    2. Message Two=Your response to a YES answer
    3. Message Three=Your response to a NO answer
  6. Save your edits upon completion.
Attaching Images and Documents

Attaching Images and PDF’s

  1. Follow the instructions for creating a group or individual message.
  2. At the bottom of the message box click “Choose File.”
  3. The image or document must be below 2 MB. Resize if necessary.
  4. Click send message.
  5. The image must be uploaded separately for emails and text messages.

What can you use MMS (Multimedia Texting) for?

If you have any flyers for events that you would normal post you can now send them to your client list with a single message and improve attendance rates.

What are the file limitations?
We allowPNG, JPG, JPEG, & PDFfiles under 2MB.There will be an error message alert if your file does not meet these requirements. Select a new file & proceed as usual.

The file that I want to send is greater than 2MB. What do I do?
In the future we hope to expand the file size limits. In the meantime, we encourage you to open the file on your desktop and resize it to be under 2MB.

I tried to send a message with an attachment and couldn’t select Send Message.

If you’ve attached an image or PDFwe still require that the message have text content in order to send the email / text. Add a quick sentence summary and press Send.

Sending E-Boosts (e-gifts)
  1. You may wish to send a client an eBoost which is an e-gift card from one of our approved vendors.
  2. You may only send one eBoost at a time.
  3. First make sure the eBoost amount and vendor is correct by clicking the eBoost tab.
  4. The vendor and the amount that is highlighted is the amount that is set as a default.
  5. Go to the individual Client page from the dashboard.
  6. When you are on the Client’s page that you would like to send the eBoost to, click the green button on the upper right hand corner “Send eBoost.”
  7. A popup message will appear that will ask you to confirm your choice.
  8. If it is correct, click “Send eBoost.”
Adding eBoost (e-gift) Credits
  1. NEW ACCOUNT HOLDERS. If you paid by credit card and you have just initiated your account, please email us to activate your eBoost permissions in order to prevent fraud.
  2. If you choose to use eBoosts as part of your account, you may purchase dollar credits to be used towards the purchase of e-gift cards at approved vendors.
  3. You can add eBoost credit by clicking the “eBoost” button on the dashboard.
  4. Click add credits by clicking the green button in the upper right hand corner.
  5. If you have a credit card on file the purchase of eBoost credits will be drawn from the preapproved account.
  6. If you paid by purchase order or other, please contact the CareerHub team.
Creating Reports
  1. CareerHub allows users to create reports.
  2. There are four different kinds of reports that can be downloaded from the dashboard.
  3. Campaign report-Allows you to see your response rates to different group messages or “campaigns” you have initiated.
  4. Download Archive report-Tells you all of the messages that were sent out and received by month.
  5. Incentive report-Tells you all of the eBoosts that were sent by date, to whom, the vendor and the amount.
  6. Client report-Takes you to the Clients page. Click the individual client you’d like to generate a report for. In the upper right hand corner of that page click “Download Client Report.” This will show all communication incoming and outgoing with that individual client.
  7. All reports are downloads in a XLXS format.
Unsubscribing Clients

If someone you have messaged asks you to stop sending them messages using any type of wording (“stop texting me,” “take me off your list,” etc.), you are required by law to stop sending them messages. Your user agreement for indicates it is your responsibility to stop messaging them or they can sue you. This is regulated by the FCC! Please honor their request or you are liable financially.

Error Messages
  1. CareerHub will let you know if there is a problem with a client that you uploaded.
  2. Client errors will appear in pink on the Clients page and will let you know if there is an error with the phone format or email format.
  3. A client MUST have either a text phone or an email to receive messages.
  4. If an error such as a 505 error occurs, click the URL at the top of the screen and refresh.
  5. If the problem persists, contact the CareerHub Support team.
CareerHub Help

CareerHub uses Intercom to provide direct contact with our help desk team for feedback and customer support. Look for the live chat icon on the right hand side of every CareerHub page. Our team usually responds within a few hours.

Look for this icon on every page and click it to chat with our team. A blue circle with an image of a smile face.

Tips on Messaging
  • Tell them who you are
  • Explain why you are sending what you are sending – this will help you prepare for the workshop, job interview, etc.
  • Keep it short–texting in particular is a very different medium than email. If it’s longer than 160 character, consider sending an email instead or a hyperlink to a document.
  • Be warm and funny so people actually read the message.
  • Be careful about over-messaging – if you send too many messages people stop reading them or tell you to take them off of your list.

Don't see your solution? Contact us and let us know!

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